Riley "woo wooing" at 5 weeks           Riley (11 wks) on his blanket     

          Riley (11 wks) in his new           Riley (11 wks) fast asleep under     
            home with his new toy              the blanket with Mike & Cassie     

        Riley (3 mths) & Cassie            Riley (3 mths) and Cassie with   
                 in the crate                      classmates for "show 'n tell"    

Riley (3 1/2 mths) sitting pretty        Riley ( 4 1/2 mths) and Cassie  
                                                     playing "dress up"

         The finished product...                 Riley (6 mths) looking cool     
  "Princess" Riley (4 1/2 mths)                  in his pink shades! :-)     

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